Robotic Meditation (Red Neon tube installation, Ipad, Turkish Stereo 5:24, English Stereo 6:05) 69x146 cm neon installation, 121x74x39 cm meditation chair
Robotic Meditation area is an immersive space that captures the audience. The viewer sits on the robotic chair in front of the robot mantras. On the wall we see “No Thoughts On My Mind, No Feelings in My Heart”; and the Turkish translation of the same mantra “Aklımda Hiçbir Düşünce Yok, Kalbimde Hiçbir Duygu Yok” The participants are invited to a robotic sound meditation. They are instructed on methods of cleansing from dichotomous, binary ways of thinking. Robots are inviting people to be more perfect. This perfection involves advising people to stop traditional and binary thinking.